I am so friggin’ pumped to introduce UMWOWSTUDIO TAGGED to you! It’s a compilation of all things DeeDee & UWS, which is saying a lot because I’ve got this delightful varied background & all of these interests & THIS IS THE CULMINATION!
WEEKLY : A prompt with accompanying video utilizing UmWowStudio goods & techniques. Posted to youtube with no sound. Turn on your favorite podcast, playlist, audio book, show, etc! I don’t want to fight off the bots & their “you’re stealing music” messages, especially when I pay for licenses. This will solve that! The video will showcase supplies & techniques start to finish. A blog post with Hi-res photos.
This gives me the chance to focus on & demonstrate so much UmWowStudio! Something I’ve wanted to & NEED to concentrate on.
MONTHLY : A digital download offering that encompasses EACH week’s prompt. Will you know the prompts ahead of time? no. Can you tell by the downloads? Maybe! These downloads will be made of digitally created pieces, handmade pieces, vintage ephemeras, collage items & more. NO AI will be used to create these. They are done all by me! There might be designed papers, altered ephemeras, art scans and more! The model for pricing will be $2 per page. Some months will have more pages than others. For an initial 24 hr period, the downloads will be 1/2 off! Trust me enough & save some $s, or wait to see what goodness is coming & pay just a little more.
This allows me to demonstrate my digital abilities, share my love of vintage ephemera & provide amazing but UNIQUE items for use. All of which I LOVE to do at UmWowStudio.
Raw Art Brain : is a monthly subscription service I offer through youtube. Videos will have voice overs for RAB subscribers. & Digital Downloads will be free to them as well. Find the download link in the POSTS section of youtube.
This allows me to give a little more goodness to those who have continued to support my art journey all these years! Any benefits of being a RAB member remain in place… like weekly lives, swaps +more.
Social Media : I’ll be posting on UmWowStudio’s Instagram & Facebook as well as my personal Instagram & Facebook AND inside this UWS dedicated FB group! #uwsTAGGED will be the /main/ tag for this, & each week will be accompanied by a numeral to allocate it to the appropriate prompt. So week one will be #uwsTAGGED1 and two will be #uwsTAGGED2 & so on! Please use these hashtags so that I might find you & support you in return!
This fulfills a need for more social media engagement & interacting with folks who love my art & products.
So… onto March’s DOWNLOADS hey? click to purchase:
Stay tuned for the first week’s PROMPT!